Hello Lovelies,
For some reason, many of us have this ingrained fear that our hair just can’t grow past a particular length. I know I’ve suffered from this fear myself as I’ve told you my hair story and how my hair was stuck at the same length for years. Well I’m here to tell you that yes, all hair does have a specific point where it will stop growing, and that length is formerly known as terminal length. Even though all hair has a terminal length, more than likely it won’t keep you from reaching your long hair goals because the average terminal length is much longer than most people imagine.
What Exactly Is Terminal Length?
Terminal length is the longest possible length your hair can reach if you just allowed it to grow without it ever breaking or being cut. Terminal length is a real thing. At any given moment, 85 percent of our hair is growing, the other 15 percent is resting preparing to shed or it’s actually shedding and being pushed from the hair’s follicle. Those 15 percent of hairs that are shedding or preparing to shed have simply reached their terminal length. Since they are in the telogen phase, that is the longest those hairs will ever grow.
Thankfully the strands of our hair reach terminal lengths independently or at different times; otherwise, if all of our hair reached terminal length at the same point, we’d be bald when those hairs eventually shed, until the new hairs grow in.
What Is The Average Terminal Length?
Technically there is no such thing as an average terminal length. If you had asked me 5 years ago, I’d say my terminal length was about shoulder length because that was the longest I could ever grow my hair. Now I know better, and I know that there is no such thing as an average terminal length, because your terminal length depends on time.
Our hair doesn’t stop growing when it reaches a certain length, it stops growing when our growth cycle ends. The average growth phase for humans is between two to six years, and many scientists say it depends heavily on race and hair type. However, no matter your race or hair type, if your growing phase is at minimum 2 years, you can grow at least 12 inches of hair, providing your hair grows at the average monthly growth rate. Twelve inches of hair is no where near short, and for many women of average height, 12 inches of length would fall around the bra strap. The good news is that I know most of us can grow more than 12 inches of length. According to many scientists, most humans can expect to grow between 12 to 36 inches of hair before they reach their terminal length. That’s practically waistlength and beyond, and I’m willing to bet most women can grow their hair even longer, but so many of us fail to do so.
Many women, especially women with curlier, highly-textured hair, simply don’t know their terminal length because they haven’t made the most of their growing phase. Of course things like age and bad health can affect the growth cycle, but for the average woman, it’s bad hair care practices that keep us from realizing our hair’s longest potential. Remember, your hair needs the best growing conditions possible to reach its true terminal length.
Terminal Length and Genetics
The longest possible length your hair can grow isn’t determined by genetics. However, as I stated above, genetics does determine your growing or anagen phase. If you judge your terminal length by the length of hair the women in your family are able to grow, you still may not get an accurate estimate because growth phases still vary significantly even within families. Additionally, chances are if you’ve been damaging your hair, you learned those practices from the women in your family. When it comes to genetics and terminal length, my advice is simple, focus on what your hair can do and learn how to help it thrive.
In conclusion, some people will have a genetic advantage when it comes to the length of their growth phase, but a solid and focused hair care regimen can overcome what a long growth phase will not. While you may be unable to grow your hair to your knees, growing your hair to waist length isn’t some unimaginable feat; you can definitely grow your hair to your waist with proper care and dedication, terminal length be damned!
Please stay encouraged ladies and focus on the things that you can change and manage on your journey to long hair rather than the things you cannot control.