Hello Lovelies,
I’m all about dispelling hair care myths, and today I’d like to dispel a huge one that will save the strands of tons of women. If there is one tool that I could remove from the beauty kit of most women, it would have to be the hair brush. Many women think hair brushes are a must because brushing the hair distributes natural oils from the scalp along the length of the hair, making it shiny, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. If you don’t have the hair type where natural oils don’t naturally reach the ends of your hair, daily brushing won’t make it happen either. Hair brushes are so unnecessary and at worse extremely damaging.
The traditional hair brush is constructed from hard bristles that aren’t uniform in nature. If you look at a traditional boar-bristle brush, you’ll see that some bristles are short, some are long, and the bristles are generally not all the same length. This is the perfect recipe for hair damage.

Hair brushes are one of the most damaging hair styling tools.
The simple motion of brushing places undue friction on the hair that leads to frizz, an actual loss of moisture and shine, and damage to the hair’s cuticle layer. Anytime you style your hair with a hair tool that has bristles or teeth that are spaced very closely together, you’re introducing the opportunity to create snags and pull out your hair. Even combs with very fine teeth can damage your hair strands, so imagine the mechanical damage hundreds of little bristles can cause to your delicate strands.
If you have fine hair and hair that is susceptible to split ends, you should eliminate brushes all together. However, if you have thicker hair strands, I understand that brushing can be a timesaver and styling godsend for your hair. If you must use a hair brush, stick to brushes that have widely spaced bristles and bristles that are even in length. If you must incorporate brushes into your styling routine, make brushing the last part of your styling regimen, and never brush your hair while it’s wet or even slightly damp.